The PSAI Academy Professional Master Class:
Decompression Theory, Tables, & Applications
Will be Offered June 5 – 9
The PSAI Professional Master Class Decompression Theory, Tables, & Applications will be offered at the PSAI International Academy June 5th through 9th. This 40+ hour course covers in great detail decompression theory and modeling, help you sort out the facts from the fiction, and give you practical application to your diving. It is designed to give PSAI Professionals a deep well of knowledge and resources to draw from, far beyond what others are capable of teaching their instructors.
The course is taught by PSAI Executive Director – Gary Taylor and is based on the very latest information and research. Those taking the course will have time to access the more information through the PSAI Academy Digital Library and Research Center.
As with all PSAI Professional Master Courses, this course is only open to PSAI Professionals in good standing (PSAI Instructors, Instructor Trainers, and Instructor Examiners). Course space is limited. To get an application and further details contact either Gary Taylor – PSAI Executive Director:, or Manney Marrero – PSAI Vice President: