2017 Beijing DRT Show
From 7th to 9th, July of 2017, PSAI China participated in the 2017 Beijing Diving Resort Travel Show (DRT Show) that took place at the Beijing International Convention Centre (BICC). PSAI members from all over China gathered up and devoted their passion to make the show another success among all others.
The diving community in China has seen remarkable growth in recent years, in which PSAI took the opportunity to promote its professional image, high standard training and integrity-driven instructor qualities. Over years, PSAI China has stood out as a pioneer in leading the trend of diver education and instructor trainings.
At the venue, PSAI Vice President and China Country Licensee Gallup Lee and PSAI China Instructor Trainer Han Ting, as usual, shared their most recent and exciting cave diving exploration experience in their two seminar sessions.
2017 北京國際潛水暨度假觀光展
由 2017 年 7 月 7 日至 7 月 9 日, PSAI 中國參加了位於北京國際會議中心(BICC)的 2017 北京國際潛水暨度假觀光展(DRT)。 來自國內外不同地區的 PSAI 成員熱切地聚首一堂,令為期三天的展會得到最大的成功。
中國潛水群在最近幾年續漸地擴大,而 PSAI 中國藉此機會展現了其專業形像、高素質培訓標準及極俱誠信力的教練團隊。 而且,PSAI中國一直是引領這個不斷增長的市場的先鋒。
此外, PSAI 副總裁兼中國區持牌人李旭東和 PSAI 中國教練培訓官韓頲在兩次的研討會上分享了最令人興奮的洞穴潛水探索經驗,繼續深深吸引著在場的觀眾。