PSAI Taiwan Participates in International
Cleaning Ocean Day at Ken-Ding Beach
It is a disaster after the destructive typhoon hit Taiwan, not only on the land but also on the beach and along the coast. A lot of fish from fish farms were flushed into ocean. The nature of ocean fish life has been changed badly. The temperature of the water dropped 5 degrees centigrade. The diving industry of Taiwan initiated the beach cleaning activity. PSAI Taiwan organized the biggest team to attend the cleaning of the Ken-Ding beach on the International Clean Ocean Day, 19th and 20th of September, 2009! The activity was not only to clean the beach but also to investigate the ecological effects on the corals. This is the first time PSAI Taiwan has participated in this kind of activity. All members are PSAI new divers except for the instructors. Andres Hsu, PSAI Taiwan Country Licensee & Instructor Trainer helped divers to understand, through this activity, that the divers themselves are the underwater environment care-takers and must dive responsibly. The divers now have an appreciation for the PSAI Training which teaches proper buoyancy control, trim, and propulsion (kicking) techniques.

Cleaning the rope on the coral reef

Investigating coral life

Part of PSAI Taiwan team

Part of the participation party

Part of the participation party’s banner