hurricane maria update

Post Hurricane Maria Update on PSAI Academy

Post Hurricane Maria Update:
Manny & Maria Marrero are Okay!
The PSAI International Academy is Intact!

Hurricane Maria had everyone in PSAI concerned with its direct hit on the island of Vieques. Just as Hurricane Maria was heading toward Vieques, PSAI Vice President Manny Marrero called PSAI President Gary Taylor, right as electrical power went out on the island. He promised to make contact as soon as he could after the hurricane. PSAI Global Headquarters went into emergency information gathering mode.
With power and communications down in Puerto Rico, we at PSAI Global Headquarters spent many hours each day scouring the internet and news media for any information on our PSAI Family in Vieques and Puerto Rico. So much email from the PSAI family poured into PSAI Headquarters inquiring about Manny and Maria, as well as the PSAI International Academy, that we decided the PSAI Academy E-News would be the best way to respond to everyone.
We got word through Manny’s daughter, who lives in North Carolina, that his mom on the main island of Puerto Rico was okay and her house was intact. Gary had gotten a high resolution satellite photo taken a few days after the hurricane and zoomed in on the PSAI Academy building. As you can see from the photo in this article the building is intact.
On Saturday, Manny traveled to the main island of Puerto Rico and managed to make several calls to Gary. He wanted to let everyone know that he and Maria are okay. Manny appreciates the concern of everyone who made inquiries about him and Maria. He also mentioned that not only was the PSAI Academy Building intact but the Academy Sign also survived the storm.
Both Gary and Manny wish to let everyone know that the PSAI International Academy is still operational: “We currently are creatively adjusting and modifying operations around the infrastructure problems caused by Maria. We both are strongly committed to the vision and mission of the PSAI International Academy.”
The PSAI International Academy remains operational and as infrastructure comes back in Puerto Rico, the PSAI Academy will emerge even stronger with an expanded role.

hurricane maria update