PSAI International Academy
June 7th, 2016 Graduation Ceremony
During the monthly graduation ceremony for PSAI International Academy on June 7 the following divers received their C-Card and Certificate:
Cesar A. Melendez – Basic Underwater Navigation. (Not pictured)
Jose Ramos, Gabriel Dávila Abreu, Julissa Corcino Velez and Taishany Mercado Cruz completed all the requirements for certification as a PSAI OWSD
Julissa and Taishany became to be the first graduates of the scholarship program for the youth of Vieques given by PSAI HQ through the Director of German Rieckehoff high school Principal Carmen Delerme Gutiérrez.
While José Ramos is awarded the first official Academy C-Card number for the Open Water Sport Diver level.