chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

PSAI China Conducts Three Consecutive PSAI Overhead Sidemount Courses in Mexico

PSAI China Conducts Three Consecutive PSAI Overhead Sidemount Courses in Mexico
March to April 2016

From March to April, 2016, three Overhead Sidemount courses were conducted consecutively by PSAI-China Instructor Trainer, Gallup Lee (IT-85). Assisted by PSAI Instructor Andrew Lau, the divers Johnny Yip, Jonathan Chan, Phoebe Chan, Jorge Ko, May Ng, Chi Kwan Yu, Nana Zhou, Francis Xi from Hong Kong and Singapore were eager to master all the skills required in order to dive at the Mecca of cave diving—the complicated underwater cave system in the Yucatan Peninsula, Mexico. During each of their 8-day intensive land-drills and underwater training, the divers have been constantly reminded of the PSAI Golden Triangle: Knowledge, Safety and Integrity. Even after the completion of the course, continuous education and skills practice are certainly expected.

One of the most remarkable dives was the last dive they did in Cenote Nohoch. During the 120-minute dive, what they saw was truly incredible: the spectacular scene of limestone formations of hundreds and thousands of stalactites and stalagmites. They could not believe in witnessing such an amazing creation of nature in person—one that was only to be seen on National Geographic channel on TV! Among the seven billion populations on earth, very limited lucky souls manage to see the divine magic of nature that words just cannot be described! In fact, upon the return of their trip, such irresistible feeling and lingering in the mysterious caves were still present which have already made them start planning for their next cave dive trip to Mexico together.

於 2016 年 3 至 4 月期間, 國際專業潛水協會 (PSAI) 中國區 – 教練訓練官李旭東 (IT-85) 連續進行了共三班側掛式潛水 – 密閉環境課程。 在 PSAI教練劉顯順協助下, 由香港及星加坡前來之學員包括葉恩賜, 陳子康, 陳秀峰, 高志忠, 伍美蓮, 俞志軍, 周玲娜及奚曉樑都踴躍地要掌握各種洞潛技術,方能在洞穴潛水的聖地朝聖 – 即是墨西哥猶卡敦半島複雜的水下洞穴系統。在每個為期八天,密集式的陸上預演及水下訓練,學員們都經常被提醒 PSAI的黄金標準:知識、安全、誠正。就算完成課程之後,毫無疑問地潛水員也需要持續進修及不斷練習所學到的訓練技巧。

其中最精彩的洞穴潛水就在最後一天的Cenote Nohoch。整整兩小時的下潛,在洞內所見到的天然鐘乳石群,巍峨而壯觀。他們實在不曾想過會在水下見證如此宏偉的石洞,自潛水以來也從沒想過自己能夠走進本來在電視中(如國家地理頻道)才能一睹的天然美景!全球70憶人口當中,相信沒多少人能有這種機會去到訪這個奇妙的水底世界,箇中感受實在是筆墨所難以形容!事實上,在旅程完滿結束之後,那不能自拔的感受及對神秘莫測洞穴的思緒仍然存在,所以大家已經在一起籌備下一次去墨西哥探洞之旅了。

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Equipment setup and adjustment

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico


chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Tank transport

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Ready to get wet

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team 1

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team 2

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team 3

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Equipment checking

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Line setup

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Swim around Panderosa

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Skills demonstration

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Entering the cave

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team formation

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team 1

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Team cooperation

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico

Drills practice

chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico


chinese overhead sidemount course in mexico
