DRT Show in Hong Kong 2016
Newly appointed Chief Operations Officer of PSAI (also PSAI China & PSAI Philippines Country Licensee) Gallup Lee led his professional team of instructors to participate in the Diving & Resort Travel Expo Hong Kong (DRT SHOW) from December 11th to 13th of 2015 at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre (HKCEC).
Occupying 4 booths received the center of the attention from the general public as PSAI China showcased its comprehensive educational materials ranging from recreational to different levels of technical diving courses.
Divers of other training agencies from all over the world were highly interested in our in-depth training materials and impressed by our team’s product knowledge on the various technical diving equipment, which is in compliance with our PSAI Gold Standard of “Quality”. Below are some photos taken in the PSAI booth.
剛被委任成為國際專業潛水協會 (PSAI) 營運總裁 (及中國區牌照持證人) 李旭東率領其教練團隊,在2015年12月11至13日駕座於香港會議展覧中心,參與 2015 香港國際潛水暨度假觀光展。
由於PSAI – 中國在場內擺放了合共4 個展覧攤位,本會在時次活動甚為矚目。我們陳列了一系列的教學課本,從優閒潛水至不同程度的技術潛水課程。 最重要的是,本會與國際性的潛水裝備顆伴建立了緊密的合作關系,產品示範包括Shearwater 電腦錶、HALCYON 潛水器材、SANTI乾衣、Innerspace CCR關閉式循環呼吸器、Razor 側掛系統及 Dive-X DPV 水底推進器。
來自世界各地不同機構的潛水員對我們全面的教育課材深感興趣,同時亦被 PSAI教練團隊對技術潛水器材的產品認知留下深刻印像,這亦符合PSAI 對質量要求的黄金標準。展覧場內所拍攝的照片如下。

Education Materials
