advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan

Advanced Buoyancy Control Training Report From Wuhan

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
Wuhan is the capital of Hubei province, which is named province of thousand lakes. It lies in the eastern Jianghan Plain at the intersection of the middle reaches of the Yangtze and Han rivers. It is known as “Jiusheng Tongqu (the nine provinces’ leading thoroughfare)”. It is a major transportation hub, with dozens of railways, roads and expressways passing through the city and connecting to major cities in Mainland China. Because of its key role in domestic transportation,was sometimes referred to as the “Chicago of China”.

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
September 11, a sunny day at noon, PASI China district director Mr Gallup Lee Senior Training Officer and Traning Assistant Mrs Becca Wen landed the Wuhan This is first time PASI Training takeing place in a middle land city.

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
The ABC program started the theory part in a scientific and technological center in Optics Valley, Coaches demonstrated dive technic and tactic with humorous explanation,every body enjoy it and feel for their very valuable, and a new start for verybody.

The class held until 6 o’clcok pm in the evening. Nobody interested pause, then heading the Manta diving center start the practice. Gallup examined all the students equipment with patience, give the students an individual pertinence suggestions, so that everyone can establish the neutral buoyancy better into the water after.

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
All have dinner during the intense training break in the canteen. When training ended, it is already 10 pm. Although the venue closed, but Gallup still made a summary of the day to point out the problems and improving method for everyone.

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
Although the plan is very full, but Gallup & Becca didn’t miss out the opportunity to taste delicious Wuhan hot dry noodles

Here are the comments after course:

Usually served the coach at the end of the course, changed his atitude.
In the last tea meeting. Become adorable again.

advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan advanced buoyancy control training in wuhan
Sherry: ABC course let me know what is the real meaning of diving, it is invaluable to me.

Rachel:I’m taking an examination of the DM,before the course of study, it has been always unsure how establish neutral buoyancy. After senssion one, I made it. It was great expirence for me

Laurie: Learn hard, very tired,but now good to know what before learning are only superficial. Thank two coaches.

Hugo : PSAI not only improved my potential,but also let me understand dive philosophy.

AG: I’ve been teaching assistant to a diving club, ABC make me in the teaching and practice more confident and do the job with skill and ease.

Bob: ABC let me dive more free and confident. Safety and happiness become in one.

11日的一个阳光普照的中午,迎来了,PASI中国区总监,Gallup Lee资深训练官
李旭东先生,和经验丰富美丽动人的Becca Wen蚊子教练。

在紧张的准备后大家开始了 ABC课程,理论课在光谷的 一个科技中心举行的,教练们 丰富的经验和幽默的讲解和 示范,让大家大家兴趣高 昂,练习和回答问题踊跃。

在原理和示范课程后,大家感觉茅塞顿开,同学们觉得ABC课程对自己太有价值了, 课后已经是晚上6点,但大家并没有休息,简餐后赶往训练场地,开始了实践练习 课程,在池边教练们耐心检查了所有同学的装备,给同学们不同的针对性的建议, 以使大家能入水后建立更好的中性浮力。

在紧张训练中大家在奥体食堂共 进晚餐,训练结束后已经是十 点,Gallup 还和学员在深夜的场 馆外和大家做一天的总结,依依 指出各人存在的问题和改进方法

尽管计划非常满,但Gallup 和蚊子,并没有忘记在 紧张之余,偷尝武汉的名小吃热干面

平时严厉的教练在课程结束, 和同学最后告别的汇总的Tea meeting 上,也变得萌哒哒…..

下面是同学们在学完ABC Session 1后的一些感受:

Sherry: ABC课程让我知道了什么是真正意义的潜水,ABC对我潜水生涯帮助是不可估量的。

Rachel: 我正在考的DM,课程学习之前一直觉得自己中性浮力不稳定,ABC学了后才知道怎么样找到自己的中性浮力,它使我有了长足的进 步。

Laurie: 学得好苦,好累,但现在才知道,以前学习的都只是皮毛。两位老师非常耐心。

Hugo : PSAI让我不光提高我的潜技,也让我更深的理解了潜水的philosophy。

AG: 我已经的一个潜水俱乐部助教了,ABC让我在教学和实践中更加自信和游刃有余。

Bob: ABC让我潜水更加自由和自信,安全和快乐。