Release of a New PSAI Manual: PSAI DPV Diving for the Overhead Environment

The Professional Scuba Association International Announces the Release of a New PSAI Manual:
PSAI DPV Diving for the Overhead Environment Available August 17, 2012!

PSAI is the first agency to release a complete program containing a manual, instructor training slide presentation, and standardized exam for the certification of divers in the specialty of DVP Diving for the Overhead Environment.

This new manual has been authored by PSAI DPV for the Overhead Environment Instructor Trainer Evaluator: Edd Sorenson and PSAI ITE and Board Member: J. Charles. Edd Sorenson will be spearheading the initial training of qualified PSAI Instructors and Instructor Trainers in this new PSAI Program as it is rolled out world-wide. For further information, contact PSAI Global Headquarters.

This manual covers all aspects necessary to learn how to correctly learn to dive DPV’s in the overhead environment and is the required manual for all PSAI DPV Overhead Environment Programs.

Subjects discussed in the manual include:

  • The History of the DPV Diving.
  • Overhead DPV Use and Potential Hazards.
  • Overview of DPV System Configuration.
  • DPV Theory and Operation.
  • Practical Water Skills.
  • DPV Preparation and Maintenance.
  • DPV’s and Cave Conservation.

At the time of this release, all PSAI Country Licensees will receive within the next week the English copies of this manual and where translation is necessary, should soon be started on this process.

Manuals will soon be available through the office of the PSAI Country Licensee for your area as well as PSAI Global Headquarters.

This manual will soon be followed with a second manual which is currently in progress: PSAI DPV Diving for the Open Water Environment. Be sure to watch for upcoming press releases.

DPV for the overhead environment manual