PSAI Advanced Gas Blending Manual
The PSAI Nitrox and Advanced Gas Blending Manual covers safety in accurate blending, analysis, and filling of scuba cylinders with any of the following mixtures: Nitrox and Oxygen, Trimix, and Heliox.
This manual is used in both the PSAI Nitrox Blending Technician and the PSAI Advanced Gas Blending Technician Courses.
119 pages
- Nitrox for Diving Use.
- Nitrox Theory.
- Nitrox Blend Methods.
- Hazards of Oxygen and Blend Station Design.
- Suitability of Gases for Blending Nitrox.
- Nitrox Blend Preparation.
- Nitrox Blending Mechanics.
- Oxygen Analyzing Techniques.
- Record Keeping and Liability (Nitrox).
- Helium for Diving Use.
- Advanced Gas Theory.
- Heliox and Trimix Blend Methods.
- Advanced Gas Blend Station Design.
- Suitability of Gases for Blending of Advanced Gas Mixes.
- Advanced Gas Blend Preparation.
- Advanced Gas Blending Mechanics.
- Advanced Gas Analyzing Techniques.
- Record Keeping and Liability (Advanced Gas Mixtures).