PSAI Twin Set Diving
The PSAI Twin Set Diving course is designed to train divers to properly use twin cylinders (doubles) for recreational diving activities. It will discuss the configuration and the peripheral equipment, as well as accessories and maintenance.
- Introduction to Twin Set Diving.
- Why Dive a Twin Set?.
- Twin Set Components.
- Twin Set Advantages.
- Twin Set Disadvantages.
- Types of Twin Sets.
- Buoyancy Devices for Twin Sets.
- Weight Systems.
- Regulators.
- Twin Set Accessories.
- Diving a Twin Set.
- Care and Maintenance.
A twin set may be used for many reasons. These could include the diver possessing a particularly high air consumption rate, the need to dive with more of a safety margin, or simply to dive deeper than a single cylinder will safely allow.
Many divers state that wearing a twin cylinder configuration is more stable than a single cylinder and it helps alleviate diver roll when leaning to the left or right during a dive. This would make sense as with a twin set configuration you would have a far wider surface area across your back, giving a large stable platform rather than the narrow profile offered when diving with a single.
For certain areas of diving, such as diving in an overhead environment, a twin set is almost a necessity rather than an individual choice. In these surroundings the margin for error is reduced because you cannot make a direct ascent to the surface in the event of a gas failure. In this situation a twin set would almost certainly raise the chances of a safe exit. The PSAI Twin Set course will help almost any diver expand their horizons and safety margins in the underwater world.