PSAI Nitrox Diver
The PSAINitrox Diver course is designed for divers who wish to utilize enriched air (Nitrox) at oxygen concentrations up to and including 40% oxygen by volume.
- The Definition and Benefits of Nitrox.
- The Physiological Concerns of Using Nitrox.
- The Physic and Math of Nitrox.
- The Equivalent Air Depth Concept.
- Nitrox and the Use of Nitrox Dive Tables.
- The Production of Nitrox.
- Nitrox Compatible Equipment.
- Labeling Cylinders for Nitrox Use.
- Gas Analysis.
- Determining the Appropriate Nitrox Blend for Planned Dives.
- PSAI Tables and Charts for Air and Nitrox Dive Planning.
Many agencies only certify divers for the use of one or two blends of Nitrox at the beginning Nitrox Level. PSAI gives the diver the knowledge, skills and background to use the entire range from 22% to 40% oxygen content when they are certified as a PSAI Nitrox Diver.